Multimedia Trainings that

Take the Mystery Out of Boosting Your Office Productivity
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Increasing personal office productivity should not be a mystery

Without the practical skills every manager need to boost their office productivity, grow your business and advance in their career, it’s going to cost you …

  • Your team, executives, and customers will lose trust in you.
  • You’ll wonder if you and your team are reaching full potential.
  • Your office might fall into chaos and your business won’t grow.
increase Office Productivitäy

It doesn’t have to be like this!

Beat the chaos with productivity.
Business excellence follows. Take action now.

  • You minimize waste

  • You act flexibly and quickly

  • You reduce complexity

increase Office Productivity
  • Your customers are satisfied

  • Your profitability increases

  • Your employees are happy

Save time and money. Avoid losses and checkmate your competition.

Meet Andreas Frank
Your office productivity guide to finding time for things that matter most

“I know exactly how it feels when there is a lot going on and I have to be productive.

As a mechanical engineer, I worked for many years in industrial companies around the world in various positions. Without a functioning productivity management system, I would not have been able to successfully complete many projects.”

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We have taken a close look at valuable knowledge from the automotive industry in the area of lean management and in production, which has been compiled over decades from expertise, experience and best practice of high professionals and has not only revolutionized the automotive industry.

We have applied it ourselves, transferred it to the office and refined it. We believe that every manager deserves to successfully apply this knowledge and put an end to office chaos. That’s why we’ve spent the last 16 years developing training to help you be even more productive. You deserve it.

Andreas Frank Office Productivity Guide

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Frank, MBA


"I was afraid that the My Office and Information Management course would be a waste of time. I was wrong. I made more progress in six hours than in ten years. I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner."

Maria Fischer

"My to-do list seemed to grow longer and longer over the last few years, and more and more emails flooded my inbox every day. In addition, I felt like my work consisted only of meetings (online or live). I felt overwhelmed and frustrated. The eTraining Magic German Time Management not only gave me hope, but also great suggestions on how to find time for my most important projects. With a little discipline, it goes very quickly. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I haven't felt this good in a long time."

Tomas Grabowski

"At the beginning I was skeptical about the price of the eTraining. But I can only emphasize how glad I am to have tried Frank Academy's eTraining. My experience with eLearnings up to now was characterized by boring and information overloaded trainings. That is completely different here. I am very satisfied and also a bit proud of my performance improvement on the job."

Irene Meyer

A selection of our customers who are mastering the path to excellence together with us.

Boosting your productivity with the Frank Academy is easy.

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3 …

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Choose a training.
Learn easy-to-remember practical tips & tools through multimedia trainings.

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Learn & train the secrets.
Discover simple productivity secrets you can use in your normal work day.

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Get results.
Eliminate frustration. Succeed stress-free in your office and enjoy your career.

How can you be productive and achieve healthy growth?

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Discover more ...

At Frank Academy, we know you want to be an outstanding manager. To do that, you need time, knowledge and tools. The problem and the challenge at the same time nowadays is the digital information overload, which causes stress and frustration for many managers.

We believe that everyone deserves productive knowledge and tools to solve upcoming challenges and problems in the office and get through the day. We know exactly how it feels to be busy and run out of time. That’s why we’ve put our global industry experience, expertise and best practices into our training to make your life easier. We have a plan for you.

1. Purchase our multimedia courses. 2. Learn and practice the secrets of productivity. 3. Achieve outstanding results.

So get started with your training. And in the meantime, take a closer look at our free productivity wisdom. Wasting time is a thing of the past. Instead, enjoy getting your work done, successfully advancing your career, and gaining the respect of everyone around you. Take off now.

Everyone deserves the chance to have a productive, successful professional and personal life.

Chaos, stress and frustration are becoming a story of the past. You avoid many mistakes and you will master your day and your career.

Transform yourself into an outstanding manager by serving as a role model.

Wappen Frank Academy

Copyright © 2023
Andreas Frank
All rights reserved.

"Everything you need to know to increase your office productivity and win your day."